Posts tagged: MEMS

Microtech Guide

Understanding MEMS and MOEMS: A Quick Guide

Imagine a world where tiny, powerful devices transform everything from healthcare to communications. Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) are not just a glimpse into the future—they are the future. Let's go on a journey through the groundbreaking advancements and limitless possibilities of MEMS technology. Discover how these minuscule marvels are set to revolutionize industries, overcome current challenges, and unlock unprecedented innovation.

Der IVAM-Podcast: Forschung und Industrie im Dialog - Mikroelektronik als Motor für Innovation (8)

Smarte Systeme und clevere Technologien spielen bereits eine bedeutende Rolle in unserem Alltag. Kaum ein Lebensbereich kommt heute ohne intelligente Technologien aus, die auf Mikroelektronik basieren. Die aktuelle Forschung konzentriert sich darauf, smarte Systeme nicht nur effizienter, sondern auch nahtloser zu integrieren. Doch wie wird sich diese Technologie perspektivisch weiterentwickeln? Die Mikroelektronik-Landschaft ist global vielfältig, aber wie positionieren sich Deutschland und Europa in diesem Wettbewerb?

A Japanese Company with Ultra Precise Polishing Technology

TDC is a company located in Japan, that is the world's only company with ultra-precision mirror polishing technology that can polish any shape of any material, including metal, ceramics, resin, and glass, with nano-level precision. TDC has a total of 4,000 domestic customers, mainly companies in the automobile, semiconductor, and space industries, many of which process ultra-precision parts such as MEMS (microelectromechanical system) sensors. There are also processed products that only TDC can produce in the world.

Megasonic cleaning - the new ultrasonic cleaning?

Cleanliness is key to many industries and applications, for example optics, industrial parts, surgical parts, electronics and others. Ultrasonic cleaning has been very widespread in many of these applications with fine structures. I am going to look at the challenges in cleaning finest micro-structures today and try to compare megasound to ultrasound in this context.

4 questions for IVAM board member Bärbel Schilling

We have spoken to the five IVAM executive board members in short interviews about key technologies, technology trends and the relevance of networks. Bärbel Schilling from Plan Optik AG in Elsoff has been a member of the executive board since March 2015. In particular, she brings experience in the successful networking of small and medium-sized companies as well as know-how in the field of internationalization to the board work.

4 questions for Matthias Lorenz, IVAM Member of the Executive Board

We would like to introduce our board members to you: For this reason, we did short interviews with them about key technologies, technology trends and the relevance of networks. Matthias Lorenz from AEMtec GmbH in Berlin has been a member of the IVAM board since March 2014. His areas of specialization include microsystems technology and the medical technology market in Europe and North America.

High-tech microelectronics and electronic components for reliable and durable wearables

The miniaturization of electronics and the resulting constant reduction in production costs has been a major driver of innovation in recent decades in a large number of industries - medical technology is no exception. Today, high-quality and cost-effective microelectronics enable numerous convenient applications for patients that were unthinkable years ago - like wearable solutions.

Innovative sensors for diagnostics and monitoring applications

Sensor technology is one of the key technologies when it comes to making conventional medical devices or production processes in the manufacture of medical products smarter and more controllable. Sensors make it possible to digitize diagnostic, control or therapy devices and thus also contribute to making these applications "wearable".

Microfluidic components and systems enable modern, mobile diagnosis and therapy devices

Microfluidics plays an increasingly important role in industry and in applications for everyday life. The medical technology and healthcare markets are particularly in focus. Mobile diagnostic and therapeutic devices are not possible without microfluidic components that process small amounts of liquids. At COMPAMED 2019, microfluidics is is again a special trend topic in our joint area as well as at the experts forum.

4 questions for Dominique Bouwes, IVAM Deputy Chairwoman of the Executive Board

Get to know our executive board members better! We have interviewed them for you to ask about trends and innovations, key technologies and the relevance of international business networks. Dominique Bouwes is the newest member of the executive board. She was elected as new member and Deputy Chairwoman in April 2019. In particular, she brings her experience in the management of SMEs to the board. She is also active in the area of financial management of the association.