Posts tagged: Sensors


Complying with Title 24: Advanced CO2 Sensor for Demand Control Ventilation System

When working with demand control ventilation (DCV) systems, it is essential to comply with Title 24, California's Building Energy Efficiency Standards. Title 24 sets various requirements for building design and construction to reduce energy consumption and improve indoor air quality (IAQ). Title 24 mandates the adoption of DCV systems for new and renovated buildings in California, drawing significant attention to DCV implementation. This article provides insights into Title 24 and offers solutions for compliance.

IVAM Microtechnology Podcast: High-tech for Medical Devices

Modern high technologies are important for driving research and development in Medical Technology, e.g. for drugs, vaccines and medical devices. Additionally there is an increasing demand for mobility and energy efficiency with regard to modern medical technology for diagnosis and therapy. For this reason, the market for medical components and innovative processes continues to grow rapidly.

What's for lunch? A little bit of innovation!

Lunch Break in front of the computer? The best time to look for new trends and innovations! At the Wearables Lunch Talk, IVAM serves up tidbits of news from start-ups, universities, research projects and development departments - all about wearable electronics and smart textiles. IVAM has been dealing with the topic of "wearables" and the challenges that manufacturers face in developing successful, market-ready products for several years. Initially as part of the MSTextiles Forum conference (launched in 2014), and later within the established Focus Group "Wearable Electronics", IVAM is intensifying the dialog between component manufacturers and users.

Microfluidic technologies and their versatile applications in diagnostics.

Cancer diagnostics, analysis, sensors and, of course, cartridges-all these are terms that gather around research at Fraunhofer IMM. As one of the pioneers in the use of microfluidics and the associated system technology for handling liquid volumes in the micro- to picoliter range, the so-called lab-on-a-chip technology, the Mainz-based institute has been developing microfluidic systems as well as new analysis methods for analytics and life science applications for more than 20 years.

Smart Sensor Solutions: Recording of the live stream of COMPAMED 2020

Smart products are becoming a reality in more and more markets - including medical technology and health. The key technological pioneers in this development are intelligent sensors that not only collect data, but can also interpret and communicate. The market for medical technology is developing rapidly. Medical products are increasingly focusing on the patient and are becoming more and more functional and intelligent.

A key for quantum technology: sensors based on synthetic diamonds

Synthetic diamonds receive additional functionalities due to specific structural defects, which makes them react to magnetic fields or temperature changes, for example. Color centers are responsible for this, such as the nitrogen vacancy center (NV center). These NV-centers can be optically excited and read out and are therefore suitable as sensitive elements in sensors.

IVAM members vs. CORONA

Microtechnology is one key enabler to get a grip of the Corona crisis: It enables medical devices to be more smart and compact and is qualified to make diagnostic methods better, more precise and much faster as before. Furthermore it opens up the possibility of transforming existing processes, components and systems at lightning speed so that completely new fields of application can be created in the fight against the virus.

Innovative sensors for diagnostics and monitoring applications

Sensor technology is one of the key technologies when it comes to making conventional medical devices or production processes in the manufacture of medical products smarter and more controllable. Sensors make it possible to digitize diagnostic, control or therapy devices and thus also contribute to making these applications "wearable".