NRW.Global Business Fireplace WebTalk​

"Business & Culture - Enabling International Cooperation"
30.07.2021, 09:00 - 11:30
Zoom Webinar

How to succeed in doing business across diverse cultural contexts can be a major challenge. This year marks 160 years of German-Japanese friendship. To further intensify the international exchange between the two countries, cultural sensitivity, mutual understanding, and knowledge of specific market characteristics of each country are crucial assets. What do we need to watch out for when working in each other’s country? What can Japanese companies expect from German trade fairs? How can bilateral networks foster business and technology cooperation? How can both nations benefit from international industry-science collaborations? And how can we achieve success in business in Germany and Japan? These are some of the questions we shall address in the next NRW.Global Business Japan Fireplace WebTalk.  

NRW.Global.Business Japan, the Japanese subsidiary of the Trade and Investment Agency of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia, would like to make a contribution to facilitate and promote international cooperation between German and Japanese companies and to support the understanding of each other’s business culture. The event serves to promote networking between the Japanese and German business and scientific communities. To strengthen these bilateral ties and economic cooperation, it is relevant to make the business culture in Germany understandable for Japanese companies and show cooperation possibilities and vice versa. Join us in discussing culture in the business environment and opportunities for bilateral cooperation at the upcoming Fireplace WebTalk organized by NRW.Global Business Japan.

NRW.Global Business Fireplace WebTalk​

Freitag, 30. Juli 2021
Welcome, Guidance & Introduction
Georg K. Löer
NRW.Global Business Japan, Tokyo, JP
IVAM - the Role of Associations and Networks in German - Japanese Business and Technology Cooperation
Dr. Thomas R. Dietrich
IVAM Microtechnology Network, Dortmund, DE
Succeed at German Trade Fairs
Dr. Andreas Moerke
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Düsseldorf, DE
So do the Germans tick - intercultural sales success
Birger Nispel
AirMed PLUS GmbH, Bochum, DE
How to reap the potential of international industry-science collaborations
Axel Karpenstein
DWIH Tokyo, Tokyo, JP
Panel Discussion
Georg K. Löer
NRW.Global Business Japan, Tokyo, JP
Dr. Thomas R. Dietrich
IVAM Microtechnology Network, Dortmund, DE
Dr. Andreas Moerke
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Düsseldorf, DE
Birger Nispel
AirMed PLUS GmbH, Bochum, DE
Axel Karpenstein
DWIH Tokyo, Tokyo, JP
Georg K. Löer
NRW.Global Business Japan, Tokyo, JP

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