
Medical Manufacturing Asia in Singapore: A Great Place to Start your ASEAN Business

The medical technology supply market continues to boom worldwide. A few weeks ago we were at Medical Manufacturing Asia in Singapore (MMA) and it was a great exhibition with many highlights. If the COMPAMED show in Düsseldorf is interesting for your company, you should also take a closer look at MMA.

The glory years of microfluidics

Microfluidic devices take multiple shapes. The applications are diverse, with diagnostics, life sciences, drug delivery, and manufacturing being the main ones. Players performing well in this market are mainly the big companies, not generally expert in microfluidics but IVD systems. Almost 91% of the market (in value) is held by 20 players. COVID-19 has boosted the global microfluidics market from US$9.9 billion in 2019 to US$18.1 billion in 2021 (a growth of 45%). This dynamic can be explained by the widespread adoption of point-of-care (POC) solutions and next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies.

Enviromental performance of inmold structural electronics (IMSE) across the lifecycle

Sustainability in applications and industries has been steadily increasing in importance over the last decade, and this growth will only accelerate in the foreseeable future. Sustainable packaging, locomotion, construction, manufacturing, and food, to name a few, is a value in itself for a large portion of consumers in any market segment. Salcon International has been working with TactoTek in Finland since 2015 to change the world of electronic production in a very disruptive way.

Internationalization on its Way Back to Business

The pandemic has changed business life: Business trips and trade shows are being selected and planned much more carefully than we were used to before. The beneficiaries of this are the trade fair venues, which are always really worthwhile for exhibitors and visitors. The medical technology supply fair MD&M West is certainly one of them. I would like to share my impressions and experiences with you here.

Der IVAM-Podcast: Mikrotechnik als Gamechanger in der Medizintechnik? (4)

Immer kleiner, präziser, smarter und personalisierbar: Moderne Medizintechnik hat in den vergangenen Jahren massiv von den technologischen Innovationen aus der Mikrotechnik profitieren können! Die Möglichkeiten der schönen neuen Medizintechnikwelt scheinen unendlich und werden durch Megatrends wie Künstliche Intelligenz oder Quantentechnologie noch weiter wachsen. Aber ist auch wirklich alles sinnvoll was technisch machbar ist?

Climate Change - Corona Crisis - Political changes: How is the microtechnology branch dealing with these challenges?

How sustainable is microtechnology in 2022? What are the expectations to the new German government? And what are the biggest uncertainty factors facing the branch? These questions were the focus of the IVAM survey 2022. As in previous years, the survey was conducted among several thousand European companies and institutes in the fields of microtechnology, MEMS, nanotechnology, advanced materials and related key enabling technologies.

Dynamically tuned microreactors on a chip

Microfluidics got very popular within the last decade and is utilized for a vast number of biological, medical, biophysical, biochemical or pharmaceutical applications. In this field the term “microreactor” is increasingly encountered. What is a microreactor, what is it good for? For instance, when talking about synthesis of nanomaterials, it can refer to the whole microfluidic device, that is the microfluidic chip.

Der IVAM-Podcast: Cybersecurity ist Chefsache! (3)

Wieso schätzen Unternehmen ihr individuelles Risiko, Opfer eines Cyberangriffs zu werden, eigentlich oft völlig falsch ein? In der dritten Folge des IVAM-Podcasts geht es um die Kosten-Nutzen-Relation von Cybersicherheit, um technische und organisatorische Maßnahmen zur Prävention und um die Frage, was zu tun ist, wenn das eigene Unternehmen zum Opfer einer Cyberattacke geworden ist.

Taste the World - So schmeckt ein aufregendes Event!

Nach mehr als einem (Corona-) Jahr Ausbildung bei IVAM konnte ich im November 2021 meine erste Live-Messeerfahrung auf der Medizintechnikmesse COMPAMED in Düsseldorf sammeln. Aber wie ist es eigentlich, eine Großveranstaltung selbstständig zu planen und umzusetzen? Unsere Klasse hat sich entschieden, im Frühjahr 2022 ein Street-Food-Festival als Praxisprojekt zu organisieren.

Chemical Recycling: Rebuilding „from Scratch”

Building a circular economy is one of the biggest aims to achieve sustainability and fight climate change. But what if cycles cannot be closed easily? Then it’s time to apply rougher measures and – literally – smash everything to pieces. Some material cycles can be closed relatively easily, and appropriate systems have been in place for years: Glass, steel, but also certain types of plastics as long as they are homogeneous. But what about the giant amounts of municipal waste containing mixed and often soiled plastics?